Sunday, October 19, 2014

It's A BOY!

Well, we are back on the baby blogging scene. Couldn't be more excited. Darin and I finding out I was pregnant was sort of a surprise, and I was a little worried at first... BUT its been great because recently I have been BABY HUNGRY and am so excited to have another little one around. Aiden has seen some of our friends in our ward's new babies and just adores them. He just stares at them, points, and smiles, which gives me hope and gets me excited for him to have a little brother of his own. They will be 19 months apart, so depending on when we enroll Aiden for school (being an August birthday), they could only be a year apart in school! That is obviously a few years down the road, but either way I am excited for these 2 boys to be the best of friends!

Oh... THAT'S right! In case you didn't see my Instagram post--We are having another BOY!!
He has no idea why he got a blue balloon.. except he wanted it. Aiden is in for a treat!
I'll be honest. I was SURE it was a girl. Okay, not AS SURE as I was Aiden--I think the strong hope for it to be a girl made me "sure." Plus just the timing of everything and when I got pregnant, the probably for a girl was higher than some. (I won't go into the entire anatomy of the sperm and life span, etc. haha even though I really want to!)

So when I saw on the ultrasound that it was a boy, I got a LITTLE bummed. Not bummed that I was having a boy... probably more bummed that I couldn't go shopping. Teehee. We already HAVE boy clothes. boo. I wanted to go buy a new wardrobe... haha I'm such a girl sometimes. I guess I will just have to go buy a new wardrobe for this prego belly of mine, since I was prego in the summer last time and this time it's the winter... ;) (only half kidding... don't tell Darin.).

Anyway, I am beginning to believe that my body only knows how to make boys--although again anatomically thats not true because the sperm is what determines the gender.... hah. Anyway I do kind of have a feeling I will be one of those moms with like 6 boys... maybe I'll have a girl for my last! Darin keeps telling me to stop worrying about it, it's only #2... but we will see... ;)

Anyway all joking aside, I am more than excited to have another BOY join our family. We will be a rough house for the next 18 years... it will be fun. My makeup business on the side helps me keep in touch with my feminine side, so hopefully I won't go all Tom Boy on ya'll. haha. just kidding.

Here are some pictures of our little boy (sorry they are pictures of a picture. I'm lame like that.)


Body from the side. Look at those legs and arms curled up!

From the side face down. You can see his spine well

3D. He wouldn't move his hand out of his face.. so this is the best we got!

His foot. This kills me. Too cute!

We can't forget this runny nose boy! The weather changes has had my boys with the sniffles. Mommy is just tired from being prego, no runny nose for me!

Real boys drink from PINK cups. He's growing up so fast, I can't believe he will be a big bro soon!
I think we determined I am 21 weeks in this pic. Definitely starting to show, but not huge... YET.
Let's talk about pregnancy for a sec. I'm a little over 21 weeks now... and MAN I'm already having a hard time breathing, acid reflux (it's the worst), and trouble sleeping. With 2 sicklies in the house and me exhausted from lack of good sleep, we are lazy bums here on weekends. Except yesterday... when we spend the whole day at the DMV. Long story.

So, I do have a little venting to do. The ultrasound put me 10 days ahead of what the doctor set my due date as. When he set my due date, I knew he was off, because I know my cycles and the DAY I conceived (I know, this is hard to determine but trust me, I know. Haha... anatomy lesson?). Okay so, 40% of women can feel pain when they ovulate, thus they know when the egg is released. Sperm can live on average 3-5 days, and after 3 days they lose their "effectiveness." Basic anatomy right? Well lets just say the date that the doctor said would have been WELL after the sperm had died off... TMI? I'm sorry. Sometimes I think I should be a doctor. baha. Anyway he set my date at Feb 28. The way doctors determine your "due date" is based upon the average cycle length of a female. Mine, which is clearly LONGER than the average, makes it so I get the gypped. I have to (get to?) keep my babies in a few extra days... just like with Aiden. So... I take it upon myself to determine a "compromised" due date. I decided on the 26th. =) The real date based upon my cycle is the 25th.

Well, and with all my ranting and whining about it, just like mommies' cycle lengths are different, I'm sure babies' womb time is different too. I'm sure 40 weeks is just as much of an "average" as is the 28 day cycle length of a female. So really I just need to stop whining and deal with it. :$

Well long story short, after the ultrasound, the technician said--are you sure about this date? She let me know the doctor would possibly change the due date because it was a 10 day difference. I KNOW for a fact in reality it's not a 10 day difference, but more like a 3 day, but after my experience with Aiden, if I'm going to be induced, might as well get to be induced sooner than later right?? Anyway the doctor said unless its 2 weeks he won't change the date. AND I've accepted that. Baby will "come when he's ready." **for all of you who say that, it's NOT something any mom who is 42 weeks prego wants to hear BTW... for future reference. EVEN if its true. haha... (Source: #howtotalktoapregnantlady101)**

Anyway, enough of me ranting. It has been fun to have this baby kick and roll around. He is JUST as active as his brother, which means we will not own nice furniture, china, lamps, etc. Until they are 18 years old. That's okay I guess, we can save money that way right?

OH! One more thing. We are thinking up some names for this new one. So far we like the following:
-William (Liam for short)
ANDDD we are trying to think of some Japanese names. We may do Rikuro, since that is my grandpa's name, and maybe do Riku (or Ric) as his Japanese nick name.
We've got a couple months to decide but it's always nice to have a name right?

Well, I will leave you, as I have probably talked your ear off! Until next time!
The Brinley's

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Boy or Girl?

 Surprise! Yes, I am pregnant. For all of you who were wondering why I always look so darn tired in those pictures on Facebook that I post these days. We find out tomorrow the gender of our baby! Cast in your votes! I am 19 weeks pregnant, baby will be due the end of February... (so probably March if he/she follows in Aiden's footsteps). I found out I was pregnant the week we moved out to Charlotte, so it's been a while! We figured since we were far away from people it would be easier to keep it a secret longer!

For those who think I'm kidding... Here's the most recent prego pic. (yes, I'm brushing my teeth) Last time my stomach stayed decently small until about 24 weeks and then I exploded... (really I was HUGE...) so we will see if this little one follows that trend!!
Symptoms? you ask? MIGRAINES. I get really bad headaches.. and cramps. Not as much nausea, although I've had some. Not as hungry--or maybe I am but I'm too busy chasing my 14 month old to do much about it. I am trying to be better about eating and drinking because I am actually losing weight since I get so busy and forget to feed myself.

Yes, I know, Aiden and the babe will be close in age. 19 months to be exact! It will be quite an adventure but we are VERY excited!

Gender Reveal this weekend! Stay tuned!

The Brinleys