I want to begin by saying for those of you who may be affected or hurting from the recent changes in policy regarding children of same-sex couples, my heart goes out to you. I can't imagine what you must be feeling... God loves you, and he is mindful of you, even if you may not feel that way right now.
This post is something that I need to write for myself more than anything, just to be able to get out my thoughts onto "paper." The reason why I post it publicly on a blog is so that those who may be searching for some peace can maybe find it through reading my experience.
Last night I was invited to an event on Facebook, a vigil for those who are being affected by the "changes." I had NO idea what that was all about so I began to dig on Facebook. It didn't take long to find that my newsfeed was exploding with articles, opinions and posts on the matter.
I found an article, read it, found another to make sure, read that, and then read a few more. I wanted to make sure I had all the facts straight and that I was educated before I started pondering on it. Initial reaction was this: "What do I make of this? I need to figure out why." At this point it was about 2am... I did not fall asleep 'til 4 (partially due to a teething/nursing baby, but mostly due to the fact that I had to get some answers).
What saddened me most was the posts I saw on Facebook. I saw guns blazing left and right. I saw members on the church saying that they were disappointed by the church, I saw "ex-mormons" posting very strong opinions about the church they once loved.
So here is what I learned:
We can receive revelation, so pray. Whenever we are unsure of something within the church, something we can always do is pray about it. Isn't that amazing? We believe that God speaks to anyone who sincerely asks with pure intent.
Don't know why? Feeling sad or frustrated? Take it up with the Lord, FIRST. Tell him how you are feeling. Ask him to help you understand. We may not find out ALL of the reasons but we may be able to feel at peace to know that He knows things we don't. Most of the time, people's comments on Facebook cannot do those things for you.
No one is being "punished." I've seen a lot of the 2nd Article of Faith floating around, which states: "We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression." I understand what people are trying to say. Why are we punishing the children by not allowing them to be blessed or baptized when it is the parents' "sin?" Right? Aren't we contradicting our beliefs?
Actually, here's the context of Adam's transgression: When God told Adam not to partake of the fruit, he told him if he did, "he shall surely die." At that time, Adam was an immortal being: perfect and unable to die, living in the presence of God. When Adam partook of the fruit, he suffered 2 types of death: Spiritual and (eventually) Temporal. Spiritual death caused Adam to be separated from God, temporal death made Adam mortal--or able to die. God, in his infinite wisdom, provided a Savior, who would break the bands of Death.
Long story short, all who receive a body will be resurrected to a perfect, immortal state (the same state that God made Adam in the beginning) forever, thus overcoming death and not being "punished" for Adam's transgression. Punished for our own sins means that WE must repent or pay for our sins to make it back in the presence of God.
Does that mean we aren't affected by Adam's transgression today? Of course we are, but because of the resurrection, it isn't forever.
My point in clarifying this is that children of same-sex couples are not "punished," they still are able to receive ALL the blessings of baptism and other ordinances that God has prepared for everyone in this life. The same way that all who live on the earth will be resurrected, therefore both situations one is affected, but not "punished."
Also, to add to this, ALL people, men and women, homosexual or heterosexual are welcome within the walls of our chapels anytime. All are welcome to attend meetings and worship. One does not have to be a member of the church to attend our services. They can still be a part of the LDS community and are welcomed to be.
Eliminating Contention and Confusion. I will try to be as clear as my jumbled thoughts allow me.
Scenario 1: Imagine a child with same-sex parents gets permission and decides to get baptized. Say they are 9 years old. As they are raised by SS parents, they are taught that it's okay, that it's natural, and that love is love. Then they go to church and they learn that it is a serious sin to act on SSA. Inevitably there is going to be tension between this child and his parents. It may cause contention, and will definitely cause confusion. It undermines the parenting of the parents because if a child can say to a parent that they are doing BIG things wrong, how will they respect them? Or on the flip side, the child will begin to come to church and say, my parents are good people, they love each other, there is nothing wrong with it, and cause contention there, and possibly leave the church. Neither are very good scenarios if you ask me. Children and teens are so easily influenced and it can be a confusing time for them to be put in the situation. By 18, most have enough experience and growth to be able to decide for themselves. They are also capable to live on their own if need be.
But 8 is the age of accountability right? Yes, it is, but I will say it for 8 year old children as well. It is THEIR choice. And most of the time those who are baptized at 8 have a home where they can continue to learn and grow in the Gospel (or the missionaries work with them to make it so) Is that the case always? No, and when it is not, it is very common for those children to eventually become inactive due to the lack of a Gospel-Centered home.
Scenario 2: Missionaries teach a family is SS parents, and when they want to join, have to ask them to separate and break apart their family. No Bueno? Yea. This policy allows for some stability for children.
There are children who live in homes where people are cohabitating (also against the law of chastity), but its much easier to ask them to conform, because they just have to get married.
Leading the church in Unity: This is sub category of eliminating contention and confusion. You see, the LDS church is large in number. There are a lot of policies that have to be put in place just as a blanket policy to provide leaders with something to go by. Each case is worked out case-by-case with bishop and other leaders, but if they all did their own thing, there would be dis-unity in how they handled them. Could you imagine people saying, "Well I'll go to bishop so and so because he allows kids to be baptized so long as this and that... " it would be chaotic. Right now it is not so, but with opinions and values being polarized, the leadership in the church need guidance to know how to lead. Will there be exceptions? I bet there will be. I have seen many exceptions to other policies, through the proper line of course: through the First Presidency.
We must have faith God has his children in mind, and he will provide for them as need be. But there needs to be some sort of standard to go by.
There are also special policies for other family situations that contradict the Church's teaching and they are handled the same way.
Doctrine is Unchanging. Lastly, nothing has changed as far as the Doctrine of Jesus Christ is concerned. Application sometimes changes because the world is always changing, but SSA when acted upon has always been something the Church has opposed.
But Christ's teaching still stands, to love everyone, and to have charity. Charity is loving people as they are, regardless of what they believe, what they do, their flaws, etc.
And we are to do so with everyone. All are welcomed to come and worship. All are welcomed to live the Gospel and commandments.
President Boyd K. Packer said the following, "We do not reject you, ... we cannot reject you. ...we will not reject you, because we love you.
I won't say that I have all the answers to counter arguments that will most likely arise from my posting this blog. But we can't know all things, at least not now. That's why faith is such an important principle. I have faith that there is wisdom beyond what I know regarding this. We may never know why in this life, or we may, that I don't know, but I do sustain the Prophet as a man who is called of God.
This does not mean that I do not love my friends who are experiencing SSA or who are in a SS relationship. I am sorry that you are hurting. I do not judge you, I love you, and pray for you to find peace and happiness.
Hope this helps,
Friday, November 6, 2015
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Introducing Elijah 恵冬 (Keitou) Brinley
I decided I should probably write about Monday before I forget details. Time just flies when you have a newborn... and with recovery, I tend to be sitting most of the time so time for a blog entry is easy to come by... if I'm not nursing or pumping that is.
Eli came into the world on February 23, 2015 at 6:43pm. It was a much smoother delivery than with Aiden (you can find his birth story here), thank goodness. I also have some funny videos for you to watch from some of the labor. I think you will enjoy them ;)
Eli's Birth Story
My mom arrived last Wednesday, the 18th and I had an appointment the next day at the OB. When I went (oh I saw Emily Maynard--she's pregnant too and has the same doctor as me... that's another story), the doctor checked me and I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I really wanted to kick into labor naturally, but with all the hard contractions and cramps I was having, it was really hard to get around with a 19 month old and function normally... So we scheduled an induction for Monday morning.
Over the whole weekend I was having some bad contractions. So much so that I was sure I would go in naturally before Monday at 8am. Well Monday rolled around and I was still having regular contractions so we went into Labor and Delivery and they hooked me up. We waited and waited and watched as the contractions showed up on the monitor every few minutes. The doctor finally came in after a c-section at around 11am and we discussed options. He checked me and I was still about the same.. maybe 1.5 cm... but he had seen Eli's heart rate and found enough reason that it was "medically necessary" to induce. Basically he wanted to have a justifiable reason to do so... and I guess he was able to find one from the monitoring they had done for the last 2 hours.
OH! I almost forgot. Prior to the doctor coming in, the nurses were trying to set me up on an IV. I didn't know why they were so early on, but I let them.... well, I let them try...
The nurse, bless her heart, was an older lady, and she just COULD NOT find a vein to save her life. She stuck the needle first into my right wrist, and wiggled that needle around, stuck me again.... moved it around... and then gave up. At that point my wrist felt like it was on fire and I felt like I was going to puke. Having passed out while pregnant with Aiden, I know what it feels like to begin to lose it... and well, I was beginning to lose it. My hearing got muffled, I started sweating and feel like I was going to throw up. Darin knows the drill at this point (I really had issues when I was pregnant with Aiden), and grabs me a cold rag so I can stick it on my neck and face. I try really hard to breathe and finally come to.
I let the nurse know I gained my composure back and she beings trying on my left wrist. Right wrist THROBBING, I allow her to stick and wiggle again in my left... I ask her, "did you get it?"
"I think so, but it's not giving any blood..."
...okay.. doesn't that mean you DON'T have a vein? I began to feel sick again, and she begins to insert fluids into my "vein." I can tell you right now it wasn't. My arm began to feel cold.. I look over and I have a golf-sized lump on my arm.
It starts to hurt and I say "ow, ow, ow...."
the nurse looks down, "oh!" and pulls the needle out and sticks a bandage over the huge LUMP on my arm.... it looks terrible and it hurts even worse. Both my arms killed if i moved them at all. I began to feel REALLY sick again, and she left--having given up on finding a vein. She must have been having a bad day... or she needs to give up being the "IV nurse"... because that was a terrible start to my labor story.
Here is a picture of the after math of my two attempted IV inserts. Also, the one on the left hurt every time my blood pressure cuff went off... it was great. You will see in one of the videos below. ;)
After thinking through some options, the doctor decides to try a cervical balloon with a low dose pitocin. I am terrified of pitocin, and was hoping for the most drug free induction I could get, but the doctor reassured me it was a lower dose than typically given and that they can pull it out at any time. After asking a bajillion questions, we began with the balloons.
A cervical balloon is basically that. 2 small little ball-like balloons. One goes INSIDE your uterus on one side of the cervix, while the other goes on the outside. They fill them up with water to expand them little by little (every couple hours) and it begins to apply pressure to your cervix, the same way the baby's head does when the baby drops. This allows for a release of prostaglandins--a hormone that allows for labor to start. The low-dose pitocin was paired with this method to help the contractions continue to be regular.
The balloons went in at 12:30pm, and they got another nurse to do an IV (took her 5 seconds... I really don't have hard veins!) and they began dripping the pitocin in. My contractions picked up to be about the same pain level, but more regular. One every 3-4 minutes. They got a little stronger and a little closer together over time, and they filled the balloons up once more.
By mid-afternoon, I was breathing through each contraction fairly hard, and the nurse asked if I would like some pain killers. I think at this point it was maybe 3? or so? I said no, I don't really know why... because they hurt like heck... so the nurse was like, "I think you should. You're clearly in a lot of pain, and if you are planning to get pain meds at a certain point anyway, it's not going to matter when..."
She had a point. I don't know why I feel like I have to suffer through a little longer.... especially with how much pain I was in. I was literally feeling them at 8/10 pain scale... so she checked to see where my cervix was at. The doctor said if you tugged on the balloons and they came out, that would indicate I was greater than 4cm, the diameter of the balloons... so she tugged gently, they didn't come out, so she gave me a pain killer through my IV. I got this with Aiden too--they tend to give it to you before the epidural to see if it can hold you over longer. It is amazing. With Aiden I saw unicorns and rainbows... or at least it felt that way... this time around they must have given me a stronger dose... because this stuff DID NOT wear off until AFTER Eli was born. haha.
When she initially gave it to me, I was knocking out and talking to Darin. He videoed a lot of it... so here are the videos of me on this amazing drug for your entertainment. To explain--I am not crying, I am laughing HYSTERICALLY. So much actually, that I wet the bed. I was trying to open my eyes but they were too heavy.. so I could only keep one open... IF that. When I closed my eyes I was in a Lego DUPLO castle... and Darin was there with a phone in my face.. taking a video because I was talking nonsense. He mentioned Ellen Degeneres... I remember that... I think we are secretly hoping she sees these videos and invites us on her show.
Here they are (I don't really know what order they go in... but there are 3):
After about 30 minutes I could feel my contractions again. I was still majorly hallucinating and falling asleep... but I would wake up and scream/breathe through a contraction... and then fall right back to sleep. This stuff was SO strong I couldn't stay awake. The doctor came in and pulled on the balloons. I felt some pressure but they slipped right out... indicating I was dilated over 4cm. I think they told me I was around 5cm. This was close to 3:30pm or 4:00pm I think. (Darin probably knows better, he was sending texts to my girlfriends of the play-by-play).
Eli came into the world on February 23, 2015 at 6:43pm. It was a much smoother delivery than with Aiden (you can find his birth story here), thank goodness. I also have some funny videos for you to watch from some of the labor. I think you will enjoy them ;)
Eli's Birth Story
My mom arrived last Wednesday, the 18th and I had an appointment the next day at the OB. When I went (oh I saw Emily Maynard--she's pregnant too and has the same doctor as me... that's another story), the doctor checked me and I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I really wanted to kick into labor naturally, but with all the hard contractions and cramps I was having, it was really hard to get around with a 19 month old and function normally... So we scheduled an induction for Monday morning.
Over the whole weekend I was having some bad contractions. So much so that I was sure I would go in naturally before Monday at 8am. Well Monday rolled around and I was still having regular contractions so we went into Labor and Delivery and they hooked me up. We waited and waited and watched as the contractions showed up on the monitor every few minutes. The doctor finally came in after a c-section at around 11am and we discussed options. He checked me and I was still about the same.. maybe 1.5 cm... but he had seen Eli's heart rate and found enough reason that it was "medically necessary" to induce. Basically he wanted to have a justifiable reason to do so... and I guess he was able to find one from the monitoring they had done for the last 2 hours.
OH! I almost forgot. Prior to the doctor coming in, the nurses were trying to set me up on an IV. I didn't know why they were so early on, but I let them.... well, I let them try...
The nurse, bless her heart, was an older lady, and she just COULD NOT find a vein to save her life. She stuck the needle first into my right wrist, and wiggled that needle around, stuck me again.... moved it around... and then gave up. At that point my wrist felt like it was on fire and I felt like I was going to puke. Having passed out while pregnant with Aiden, I know what it feels like to begin to lose it... and well, I was beginning to lose it. My hearing got muffled, I started sweating and feel like I was going to throw up. Darin knows the drill at this point (I really had issues when I was pregnant with Aiden), and grabs me a cold rag so I can stick it on my neck and face. I try really hard to breathe and finally come to.
I let the nurse know I gained my composure back and she beings trying on my left wrist. Right wrist THROBBING, I allow her to stick and wiggle again in my left... I ask her, "did you get it?"
"I think so, but it's not giving any blood..."
...okay.. doesn't that mean you DON'T have a vein? I began to feel sick again, and she begins to insert fluids into my "vein." I can tell you right now it wasn't. My arm began to feel cold.. I look over and I have a golf-sized lump on my arm.
It starts to hurt and I say "ow, ow, ow...."
the nurse looks down, "oh!" and pulls the needle out and sticks a bandage over the huge LUMP on my arm.... it looks terrible and it hurts even worse. Both my arms killed if i moved them at all. I began to feel REALLY sick again, and she left--having given up on finding a vein. She must have been having a bad day... or she needs to give up being the "IV nurse"... because that was a terrible start to my labor story.
Here is a picture of the after math of my two attempted IV inserts. Also, the one on the left hurt every time my blood pressure cuff went off... it was great. You will see in one of the videos below. ;)
After thinking through some options, the doctor decides to try a cervical balloon with a low dose pitocin. I am terrified of pitocin, and was hoping for the most drug free induction I could get, but the doctor reassured me it was a lower dose than typically given and that they can pull it out at any time. After asking a bajillion questions, we began with the balloons.
A cervical balloon is basically that. 2 small little ball-like balloons. One goes INSIDE your uterus on one side of the cervix, while the other goes on the outside. They fill them up with water to expand them little by little (every couple hours) and it begins to apply pressure to your cervix, the same way the baby's head does when the baby drops. This allows for a release of prostaglandins--a hormone that allows for labor to start. The low-dose pitocin was paired with this method to help the contractions continue to be regular.
The balloons went in at 12:30pm, and they got another nurse to do an IV (took her 5 seconds... I really don't have hard veins!) and they began dripping the pitocin in. My contractions picked up to be about the same pain level, but more regular. One every 3-4 minutes. They got a little stronger and a little closer together over time, and they filled the balloons up once more.
By mid-afternoon, I was breathing through each contraction fairly hard, and the nurse asked if I would like some pain killers. I think at this point it was maybe 3? or so? I said no, I don't really know why... because they hurt like heck... so the nurse was like, "I think you should. You're clearly in a lot of pain, and if you are planning to get pain meds at a certain point anyway, it's not going to matter when..."
She had a point. I don't know why I feel like I have to suffer through a little longer.... especially with how much pain I was in. I was literally feeling them at 8/10 pain scale... so she checked to see where my cervix was at. The doctor said if you tugged on the balloons and they came out, that would indicate I was greater than 4cm, the diameter of the balloons... so she tugged gently, they didn't come out, so she gave me a pain killer through my IV. I got this with Aiden too--they tend to give it to you before the epidural to see if it can hold you over longer. It is amazing. With Aiden I saw unicorns and rainbows... or at least it felt that way... this time around they must have given me a stronger dose... because this stuff DID NOT wear off until AFTER Eli was born. haha.
When she initially gave it to me, I was knocking out and talking to Darin. He videoed a lot of it... so here are the videos of me on this amazing drug for your entertainment. To explain--I am not crying, I am laughing HYSTERICALLY. So much actually, that I wet the bed. I was trying to open my eyes but they were too heavy.. so I could only keep one open... IF that. When I closed my eyes I was in a Lego DUPLO castle... and Darin was there with a phone in my face.. taking a video because I was talking nonsense. He mentioned Ellen Degeneres... I remember that... I think we are secretly hoping she sees these videos and invites us on her show.
Here they are (I don't really know what order they go in... but there are 3):
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
My contractions were SO bad I began needing Darin to squeeze and lean into with each one. They were only like a minute apart and a 9.99999 out of 10 (is it hard to say 10, because that is like the highest you can go? it is for me. Either way, they killed.) The nurse called in the Anesthesiologist who was taking her time.... It seriously took her like 30 mins or more to come. That doesn't seem long but when that means you have to sit through like 15 contractions then it REALLY seems long. Finally she arrived and gave me the epidural. The pain slowly started to fade--but I could still feel them contractions in my tail bone. The nurse tried a catheter, and I could feel everything, so I was not numb down there... but it was enough to take the edge off the pain from screaming through contractions to breathing a little heavier. As the nurse tried to help me empty my bladder, she shoved the baby's head out of the way, because it was pushing and not allowing me to empty. When she pushed the baby out of the way, my water burst.
Within about 30 minutes the nurse told me to start pushing.... I was so confused... "aren't I only like 5 cm?" I asked.
"No, you're 9.5, now let's start pushing."
Oh wow.. this was about 5:30 ish 5:45pm. I began pushing. At this point I could still feel the contractions enough, and so I could know when to push. In between, the other pain killer were still fairly strong, so I would almost fall asleep. I couldn't finish a sentence... I was so drugged. As the epidural set in more, I got more and more numb. After a while I couldn't feel my contractions anymore, and didn't know when to push. I think I may have gotten the epidural a little too late..
Anyway after an hour of pushing, falling asleep, waking up, pushing, falling asleep... the baby was here! 6:43 pm. It was such a shock to me how fast this labor was... compared to my 30 hour labor with Aiden. I was in much less pain when I held Eli for the first time, since the epidural at that point was at its peak.
I did skin to skin for an hour, Darin went and picked up Aiden and my mom at home and Aiden was able to meet his little brother.
Eli was 20 ¾ inches long, and weighed 8lbs 0.6oz.
Eli came at 39.5 weeks, but he weighed as much as his brother did at 41.5 weeks. He's a big baby. He has long fingers and toes, I suspect he will be taller than his brother when they are older. He has light brown hair, not blond like Aiden was, but you can definitely tell they are brothers.
We chose the Japanese name name Keitou for his middle name, because the "Kei" character is from my name, meaning "blessed" and "Tou" is the character for "winter."
"Blessed Winter"
Aiden was Kai, with "Ka" from my name, meaning "summer" and "i" meaning "great"
"Greatest Summer"
Eli is healthy and doing well. We are so happy to be a little family of 4.
Last video. Aiden holding Eli for the first time. This is the next day after he was born. My mom and Aiden came after lunch for a couple of hours and ate dinner with me. I sure missed my little boy while I was in the hospital. So grateful my mom took good care of him:
Until Next time,
The Brinley's
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