Sunday, August 4, 2013

No Longer a July Baby & a Little Anatomy Lesson.

We are now over 41 weeks... by a couple of days.

We went into the Doctor on Thursday, and he has set us up for induction starting this evening. He checked the cervix yet again, and there is no dilation or effacement. I MAYBE is a LITTLE softer, but not enough. He said I still COULD go into labor before the induction--but looking at the status of my cervix he doubts I will on my own.

Sunday (today) will be the start of a cervical softener called Cytotec. We will be admitted into the hospital around 6 pm, and be there for the night. They are hoping that with the Cytotec alone, my cervix will become soft and my contractions (the ones I've had for the last month) will become effective. If they were to just administer pitocin alone, because of how unripe the cervix is, it would be likely that it would not do anything to the cervix--it has to be SOFT first. This is why I have been having horrible contractions with NO results. Last night was by far the worst of them, so I am excited to soften this cervix up so it can start to thin and dilate. On Monday, if I am at about 3 cm, they will start pitocin. If not, they will keep doing Cytotec for a few more hours. Either way the doctor said by Monday (or maybe Tuesday) this baby will be here.

Many people have asked--"why didn't you get your membranes stripped?" I am not quite sure if women really understand what this means.
Here's a little anatomy lesson:
Your cervix is the opening to your uterus (where your baby is), and is at the end of the vaginal canal. When a doctor checks to see if you are dilated or effaced, he is reaching up into the vaginal canal to feel the opening to your uterus--the cervix. Most women within the last few weeks of pregnancy will be 1-3 cm dilated, meaning the doctor can fit 1-3 fingers into your cervix. If this is the case, stripping the membranes is an option. 
"Stripping the membranes" just means that the doctor sticks his finger into the cervix and swipes once or twice. This strips some of the amniotic sac away from the uterine wall, often stimulating the uterus to start contracting and can cause a woman to go into labor within 48 hours. NOTE: the doctor has to get his finger IN the cervix--meaning you have to be somewhat soft and DILATED. 
Now, my cervix as mentioned before is not very soft, and completed sealed shut. This is why I have not had my membranes stripped, because if it anatomically impossible. The doctor cannot even put a tip of the finger into the cervix to do so. 
Many other people have mentioned other methods that bring on contractions: sex, oils, herbs, physical activity, etc. I appreciate the advice, and many I have attempted myself. But as the doctor said, without a soft cervix, contractions do nothing. This is why no matter how many horrible contractions I induce or have, they will not do anything to the cervix, which ends up being extra pain and work for nothing.

Therefore, three things need to occur simultaneously for labor to progress: 1) a SOFT cervix, 2) Contractions and 3) Dilation and Effacement (as a result of 1 and 2 co-existing).

I'm starting to sound like a doctor!

Anyway tonight is the night and I hope by Monday morning if he has not come yet, he will with a little boost of pitocin. We are excited to have this healthy, active boy in our arms soon. Thank you so much for your support, and you will be updated with pictures VERY soon!!

The Brinley's

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