Saturday, September 5, 2020

Finding Out about Baby #4

Before we get into the birth story, I wanted to share some things about this pregnancy that I never got to share and want to keep for journaling purposes. 

So we found out we were pregnant with Hana in late November, when we were in Tokyo. We told my parents around Christmas when they came to visit, here's the video to that: 

We decided to keep it quiet from Darin's parents until we saw them next, and left it at that. we were planning to visit them in April so figured it would happen then. With them being such pranksters we wanted to make it a prank for them, so we decided to brainstorm in that time.

Covid-19 hit and changed a lot. NYC was hit hard and the hospitals were overwhelmed. I went to have my gender check at the hospital and it was a weird experience, everyone was in masks, I had to wait in the parking lot until my turn, etc. That was March, everything shut down that weekend. 

I really didn't love my OB in NYC, and I started wondering who we could have watch our kids when baby came. Birthing Hana in Utah sounded like a much easier option. Covid caused our flights to Europe to be cancelled, which meant we wouldn't see Darin's parents for a while, and so we decided to continue the prank to the birth. We drove 3 days to Utah to my parents home, and I switched over all my care and planned to have the baby here. 

Darin's parents came to Utah as well, and when we found out there was a likelihood they wouldn't be around for the birth we decided to surprise them pregnant--because we wanted an in-person reaction. Here is the reaction video to that: 

Finding out it was a girl was quite a shock. When I had my 13 week appointment to confirm pregnancy the doctor did an ultrasound. at 13 weeks babies both male and female have something between their legs, but this baby's was pretty big. The doctor said if she had to put money on it, it would be a boy. I accepted that,  and kind of got excited to be an all boy mom. So it was quite a surprise when they said girl at the 20 week appointment! 

okay, now onto the birth story! (in the next post)