Baby is now officially overdue.
I went to the doctors today to get checked again--still no dilation, effacement, etc.... NOTHING. Contractions have continued for the last 4 weeks now, they are getting worse and more painful--but STILL no dilation.
My body doesn't know what to do with this little one inside of me. (He is PUSHING harder and harder by the day, we can tell all he wants to do is come out.... poor guy, wish mom's cervix knew what it was supposed to do).
So the doctor said they cannot induce me, even though we are now officially past 40 weeks because of the "un-ripe" (or also called "un-favorable) cervix. He basically explained that because the cervix has not progressed on its own, most likely even with drugs, it would not do so... which then would put me at risk for a medically unnecessary C-section. If I were induced this week, the chances of it becoming a C-section would be 1 in 3 or maybe even 1 in 2.... so pretty high.
Yea--so everyone says--"keep baby in there, it's better for him to bake" or "he will come when he is ready..."
As you remember, Aiden has a 2 vessel cord, meaning that he is missing an umbilical artery. This puts him at a higher risk than a normal baby (he is not "high risk," but at higher risk than normal). I asked the doctor if he would let me just hold out until he comes naturally--thinking he's gotta come out by 42 weeks... right? (well he may not---especially since this cervix is not letting up--in which case I'd end up with a C-section then anyway). Well, the doctor said no. He will not allow this baby to stay in there for more than 41 weeks, because of his condition. Here's the catch... 41 weeks is the END of THIS WEEK... Most likely with the trend of this dear cervix of mine, things are not bound to change in the next couple days.
So... I asked if he could then induce me on Friday (41 weeks according to conception) but the doctor's office has me down for SATURDAY for 41 weeks. Okay--here's where I vent...
You know how doctor's ask you about your last missed period? Then they take an AVERAGE cycle length for a female and determine your due date. Now, I have tracked my cycle for a very long time, and am very aware of my cycle length--therefore can actually calculate a more accurate due date. On top of that, they did an ultrasound where it showed that he was 2 days ahead of what the original due date was. So.. we have 3 due dates... July 25th (by the ultrasound), 26th (what I got after calculating my actual cycle length) and 27th (the last-missed-period-least-acurate one).
Doctor said no to Friday (IHC is REALLY STRICT on inducing ppl without a favorable cervix BEFORE 41 weeks--EVEN if its ONE DAY).
......AAAAND.... Doctor's do not do inductions on Saturday or Sunday......
Therefore, we must wait until Monday. (note: my favorite doctor is on duty Friday, so I REALLY wanted him). He said Sunday I would come in, get drugs, stay the night, Monday morning start pitocin, and then deliver... possibly into Tuesday depending on the progress. If the cervix is about the same as it is now, then the chances of a C-section are STILL the same as above... about 30-50% chance.
They will determine what to do as so...
Sunday night, put some medication (similar to cervidil) to hopefully soften up the cervix.
Monday morning--administer pitocin
After administering pitocin on Monday :
If NO progress in 4-6 hours--straight into a C-section
If SOME progress, they will keep watching it.. on and on... probably until labor doesn't progress anymore OR I go for like 20+ hours and finally go into a C-section.
BEST CASE SCENARIO: we get the drugs Sunday night and things kick in and end up having the baby that night! =D we shall see what happens.
We will be back into the doctors on Thursday to check again... Contractions haven't let up so maybe eventually they will do something to the cervix... but our odds so far don't seem to be in our favor... and these contractions really hurt.
One thing I have learned from all this is how different every person's pregnancy is. I have never been in more constant pain in my life, I am struggling to walk around at times, and when some of these contractions hit, I seriously can't even imagine how bad they will be with the pitocin. We were talking about if I were living in the 1900s, Baby may never come out and we possibly both could die. People say that your body "knows what to do" but I realize now that for some, that really is not always the case. I am just grateful for modern medicine that even though I may be super drugged and cut open, at least my baby and myself will be able to come out of this alive.
I really appreciate everyone's support, and I would not wish this type of a last month of pregnancy upon anybody. I hope that all my dear prego friends right now have a smooth last month!
Here are some belly shots:
*also, at 39 weeks we got stretch marks... ALMOST made it without... a friend of mine said they are worth more than any medal you could ever get ;)
38.5 weeks
40 weeks
Have a great week. We will have Aiden here a week from today for sure! FINALLY!
The Brinleys